plant health

Quarantine succulents to keep problems from spreading.

Whether we’re talking about new plants you just brought home or one of your favorite plants starting to look sickly, a good safety measure can be to quarantine succulents. quar·an·tinekwôrənˌtēn/ nouna state, period, or place of isolation in which people, plants, or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infections or contagions […]

plant health

Why all of my succulents almost died—and what I did to save them.

What happened? A little over a month ago nearly all of the succulents on my porch started showing signs of deterioration. It started with one pot at first—my most recently acquired echeveria. I watched in dismay as the problem spread to my other succulents over the course of the next two weeks. Leaves were falling […]